
Yamaha interview

Chatting with Luísa Tender

It is already on June 25 that the Oeiras Piano Competition starts in the main auditorium of the Taguspark Congress Center, in Oeiras.

JUN. 2021,

Ritmo Magazine Cover and interview

El momento de Bomtempo

After a flight from Lisbon to Madrid, Luísa Tender relaxes and tells us about her latest project, the Sonatas of the Portuguese composer João Domingos Bomtempo, which she has recorded for the Grand Piano label.

Nov. 2019, by Gonzalo Pérez Chamorro

Bomtempo Sonatas Cd review 2019

The pianist Luísa Tender may not be familiar to many readers, but if this recording is your first encounter, like me I am sure you will be very impressed.​

She is a professor of piano at the Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas in Castelo Branco, Portugal, with a wide musical interest from J S Bach to contemporary Portuguese composers.

Aug. 2019, by Ray Picot

Cd review 2019

To help place the Portuguese composer Joao Domingos Bomtempo in time, consider the following: he was born in Lisbon sixteen years after the great earthquake.​

His life overlapped the Napoleonic incursion into Portugal and the absence of the Portuguese royal family in Brazil; he dwelt for a time in London, returning to Lisbon from time to time during 1815-1821.

Aug. 2019, by John Quinn

Album Reviews

BOMTEMPO, J.D.: Piano Sonatas (Complete) (Tender)

De in Lissabon geboren componist João Domingos Bomtempo (1775–1842) had een Italiaanse vader en maakte in Parijs en Londen als vrij exacte t tijdgenoot van Beethoven carrière als componist, pianist en docent.

Jul. 2019, by Musicalifeiten

Cd review 2019

Complete Piano Sonatas van João Bomtempo door Luísa Tender, een dubbel cd op het label Grand Piano. Een heuse ontdekking!

Jun. 2019, by Michel Dutrieue

Cd Bach and Forward. 2008

Toca piano desde os quatro anos e “Bach and forward” é o seu primeiro disco. Luísa Tender é uma pianista com um percurso internacional que começa a emergir no mundo da música clássica portuguesa.

Fev. 2009